The Ultimate Guide On Keyword Research Tips For the Healthcare Sector

Here is the ultimate guide on keyword research tips for the healthcare sector. From understanding the theory of keyword research tips to stuffing these keywords for the best rankings, here’s everything you want to know!

Keyword Research Tips For the Healthcare Sector

Writing content and presenting that masterpiece to the audience are two different things. Creating super amazing content with information, knowledge, research and expertise on that topic is quite an amazing thing to do. But putting that in front of the reader is an equally important task. Imagine a scenario where you have cooked mouth-watering food and it tastes like heaven but no one knows about it and cannot find where you have kept the food. This food, no matter how good it tastes is going to end up in the trash being stale. All your efforts have gone to waste! Similarly the content, by time will get stale if not found by the readers it is written for. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) takes place. To make your content visible to the audience in need and searching for your content. This blog post here is dedicated to the Healthcare Sector. It contains all keyword research tips for the healthcare sector to not only make your content visible to patients but also drive traffic to your website.

All About Healthcare Keywords

Before getting started on learning how to serve your content to the target audience, one must understand the healthcare keywords. There are two types of healthcare keywords, namely long-tail and broad healthcare keywords.

A keyword is a phrase that is significant to your content, something that reflects what your content’s core is. Moreover, keywords are the words that are generally searched by the potential clients which are patients here in this case.

The Long-tail keywords are the keywords which are more like a phrase with more than 2 words. As the name suggests it is generally a long keyword used for example, “best heart surgeon in Sydney.” These are more specific to the content and can be tweaked as per the strategy for that content. Additionally, the advantage of using long-tail keywords in any sector is that it helps you directly address what your prospective lead is searching for. This is a comparatively better way to rank on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Whereas the broad keywords are short phrases with not more than a couple of words. And the best part about these is they can be just picked up and used for more than one piece of content. For example, “cardiologist.”

Expert Tip – Use the long-tail keyword with the broader one stuffed in it to get the benefit of both.

Research Tips For The Right Healthcare Keywords

Now as we have been through the understanding of the kind of keywords generally used. The next step is to select which are the appropriate keywords for the healthcare sector. For selecting keywords, you need to know how to search for these keywords or know if the word you are thinking is actually can be used as a keyword.

Look the basics are not every word you feel is important is a keyword or something which you might think people will search for is a keyword. To find a keyword you need to find what people, being your target audience here, are actually searching for. Here are a few ways to find the perfect fitted keywords for your content:

1. Online Tools

Use online tools for finding the best SEO keywords that would fit great with your content and adding that might help you increase your ranking, Make sure the keyword you found with the help of such tool goes with your content and is not misleading. Additionally, this can affect your trust in the public bringing you no potential leads.

2. Competitor’s Analysis

Always keep a check on your competitor’s moves. Not only on their business tricks but also the advertising and visibility they are getting using their SEO strategies. Scan their content to find out the kind of keywords they are using and try generating competitive content.

3. Search In Your Content

A good entrepreneur is one who keeps a SWOT analysis of his competitors and himself as well. Only looking out won’t help you grow. Learn from your competitors and also build your originals.

4. Customer Feedback

One interesting way to find the great fit keywords is through your customer feedback. Many of us miss this out, when we read about what people have to say about us we might realise some of our hidden superpowers there.

5. Google Trends

This is more like what kind of content you can generate. Say follow platforms like X, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. to find out what is trending about your industry and how you can utilise that trending phrase as your keyword.

Moreover, focus on how much that keyword you plan to use in your healthcare sector has been searched in the recent past. Also, the lower the competition is, the better using that keyword would result. Hence, keeping a balance of these two is your expert tip here.

Some Online Tools To Use

  1. SEMrush
  2. Google Keyword Planner
  3. Ubersuggest
  4. AnswerThePublic
  5. Keyword Surfer

10 Most Trending Keywords in the Healthcare Sector

Keyword Type of Keyword Monthly Volume
pharmacy near me Broad 6,73,000
Hospital near me Broad 5,50,000
Medicaid Broad 3,68,000
Doctors near me Broad 2,01,000
psychiatrist near me Broad 2,01,000
Clinic near me Broad 1,65,000
gynaecologist near me Broad 1,35,000
cardiologist Broad 1,35,000
orthodontist near me Broad 1,10,000
emergency room near me Broad 1,10,000

Tricks to Stuffing These Keywords

After we have been through the keyword research tips for the healthcare sector and choose the most suited one for you. Here is the next step to understand how important it is to stuff these words to get the best output.

1. The Ideal Number: Generally, while stuffing a keyword, it should be stuffed exactly at least 1-2% of the time here and there. Say, if you have a content of 1200 words. The keyword should take place once or twice per 100 words.

2. Must-Have Areas: The focused Keyword should be in these places:

    1. The first half of the title
    2. Meta description
    3. Introduction
    4. At least one subheading

3. Enhance The Power: Enhance the power of keywords by adding similar keywords, say for 1200 words add once or twice in 300 to 400 words. These are the phrases related to the main keyword but not exactly the keyword. For example, if the focused keyword is “hospital near me” the secondary keyword can be “best private hospital near me”, “private hospital in the city”, etc.

4. Keep It Natural: While you stuff the keywords ensure that you are not making it obvious but rather the best tip is to insert them naturally. Also, keep them in the flow of the content being generated.

Impact On Lead Generation

It’s obvious if you have great optimised content you will get better leads generated due to the better rankings achieved with the magic of keywords. Focus on not over-optimising your content and let the magic begin. Also, you can use plugins to ensure the SEO score before you post your content.

Keep Generating Rocking Content and Ranking Your Healthcare Website Pages!

Also Read: How to Align SEO and CRO for Healthcare Marketing

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