Google’s New Updates Impacting Hundreds Of Websites: Is Google Raising the Bar Higher? 

Know how Google’s new updates are affecting numerous websites and what are the reasons for such hunting by Google. Also learn tricks to avoid being deindexed!


Google is on a major cleaning streak! Yeah, you read it right. Google, the most famous search engine, is driving itself to be the most reliable search engine as well. With too many updates coming up, Google is redefining the rules to rank on its search engine results pages. It’s not really a revolutionary thing as Google keeps on coming up with these kinds of updates but this time they are more robust than ever before. Google raised the issue of spam and trash-like content in Google’s new updates when it came up at the beginning of this year. Well, it seems like March was the month, they acted upon the guidelines and deindexed the hundreds of websites.

Although, the streak didn’t end here. This is something Google will keep doing on a regular basis as it has announced there are almost 49,000 sites under surveillance. Thinking if one of them can be you? The answer is maybe, and even if not maybe next time. This brings us to a question about what to do. Honestly, there’s a lot you can do. Google only wants to set a higher bar to the standards in order to ensure reliability and not trouble the ethical ones. So, here are the solutions to Google’s new updates impacting hundreds of websites. 

Google’s new updates reshaping the entire landscape

Starting from the basics as we can see Google is determined to reshape its entire landscape by bringing quality into the picture. The approach is changing with the wave of change in the entire digital world. Moreover, by not allowing spammy websites which are cheap and non-reliable, this search engine is on strict actions. 

The basic focus of this reshaping is on providing high-quality content which actually adds value to the users and kills AI-boosted spam effects from the engine. Pushing AI back to its place is the primary agenda where the original and uniqueness of a human mind is given preference. Since November 2022, a lot of AI-generated spam has been destroying the rankings of efficient websites. Moreover, such postings are not beneficial, rather only up there to manipulate the algorithm. 

Impacts everyone is talking about

While Google was busy filtering out the non-relevant sites with lousy, spammy and non-authentic content, this shuffling has affected these and other sites too in various different ways. Here is a glimpse:

  • Deindexing 

Many of the sites, if I would state the count, almost 800-900 sites were deindexed by Google in just a month of March. Most of them had irrelevant or spammy content. Also, a few removed ones contained AI-generated manipulative spam too. Additionally, it’s a signal for all who are just rephrasing the content using bots like Quillbot, ChatGPT etc. to slow down and start with the authentic postings. 

  • Traffic loss

Those who are deindexed have lost quite a heavy traffic. As it is shown on various sites, these deindexed ones are there with almost 20.7 million organic visits per month. 

  • Revenue loss due to Google’s new updates

The estimated loss of revenue is almost $446,552 amounting to these 800-something sites. This loss is shattering and devastating for many others too. 

The main focus: AI-generated content!

Google’s new updates impact these websites with various issues. The main focus is the AI-generated content which is inauthentic and spammy. All those deindexed ones were found to be using 90% of their content not authentic and non-human made. 

With Google’s motive to provide good quality to the users, this seems quite fair and was expected of Google. 

Safeguarding sites from Google’s new updates impacting hundreds of websites 

In the chase of Google to bring up relevant and qualitative content to the users and be the most reliable search engine, Google’s updating really well. Results are harsh on some websites already. So, what do we actually do to avoid being trapped in this cleaning-out phase? 

Here are a few tips and tricks to avoid being the one out of hundreds of websites getting deindexed: 

  1. Post quality over quantity. 
  2. Use AI tools to check on AI-generated content.
  3. Remove spammy content from your sites. 
  4. Also, Invest in a good content creator.
  5. Write only on your niche and don’t make Google feel you are just spamming everything to generate traffic. 

Also Read: Does Google’s Helpful Content Update Penalize AI-Generated Content?

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